Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

 Today we: finished the human sexuality unit. We learned about the journey of the egg, the journey of the sperm, and today we discussed how the sperm meets the egg and results in pregnancy. We are now done all of the activities needed to learn this material, but please try to be willing to facilitate further conversations if your child has any questions. 

We did a short fill-in-the-blank about magnetism before having lunch. Extra time was given to those who did not finish their flipgrid on The Jumbies. We did some practice on decimals using base ten blocks again before having P.E. to end the day. 

Our class won the prize for the most walkers to school during environmental week! Mr. Scout has generously offered some ice treats for the students to enjoy on Friday. Hooray for Nugent's Nuggets! 

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