Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday, June 5, 2022

 Today we: began a new unit in Language Arts on Poetry. We started the unit with a discussion of figurative language and some examples. Students wrote the definitions down and then shared some of their own examples of each one. We made a chart on the back wall white board to reference throughout the unit. Tomorrow we will finish the list and then read a poem to spot the different types. 

In math, we explored more about volume by counting the number of 1 cm cubes that it takes to make objects in the classroom, like a pencil case or a visual journal. We talked about how the unit is cm3 because there are 3 measurements to multiply in a 3D shape. It was great to see the students remembering their multiplication facts. 

In social, we read about the Inuit in the Arctic region and took some notes. After reading some City of Ember, the class went to Music and P.E. and returned for a review on our Solution to Recover lab using a google form on the Chromebooks. 

See below for a photo of our completed Door Decoration for Literacy Week! All of the students worked so hard on their cut-outs and the study material they created for the tables. 

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