Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

 Today we: started the day with a quick exercise activity to get everyone alive and awake. We did 20 squats, 20 jumping jacks and 10 burpees. This energized everyone as word work was a pretty loud activity! 

In math, we wrote the test for adding and subtracting decimals and when they were done, they worked on their newspaper articles. Some are getting their teacher edits done and typing, so when they are typed they will draw a picture to go with it. I am hoping to compile their articles into one big newspaper. 

After lunch we read more of our book, City of Ember, while students recorded important details in their visual journals. 

In science, we worked on a crossword to develop deeper understanding of the definitions of some key terms for the chemistry unit. Tomorrow we will get our hands dirty separating solids with sieves! 

We ended the day in P.E. with a lovely Guest teacher, playing rainbow tag and bench ball. 

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