Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

 Today we: tried a morning workout to get our blood moving and wake us up. It was great to see everyone participate, even if it was a lot of effort while tired. We did some high knee running, stretches, push ups, squats, and ended with a power pose and a mantra of "I am ready for Tuesday." 

Word work and literacy block were very well done, and anyone who didn't finish their work was eager and willing to take extra time to complete it. 

In math, we went over the work we did yesterday on converting cm and mm. We discussed how multiplying by 10 adds a zero at the end of the number, and they are groups of 10mm in each cm. When that concept seemed grasped, we discussed what a 90 degree angle is. I was happy to see some recognize the other angles like 360 and 180, and the triangle angles of obtuse and acute came up as well. It was a wonderful number talk drawing on past knowledge and connecting to new concepts. Once they understood that a 90 degree angle is the corner of a perfect square, they were challenged with finding as many 90 degree angles they could in the classroom. The person with the largest list, who was Dylan, won a container of play-doh. 

We continued teacher edits on our articles and with the printers down, a lot has been postponed, but they continued to practice decimals and measurement on Prodigy. 

After lunch we read more of our book, City of Ember. I will start using a timer to implement a faster routine to be ready for the read aloud. They will have 2 minutes to get prepared, fill water bottles or go to the bathroom and then we are ready to read - yesterday we read a page and a half with all of the interruptions and today we spent 8 of our 20 minutes getting settled. 

The students had Music and PE in the afternoon, and we ended the day with some partner reading in Social Studies to work on fluency and reading skills while continuing their learning of the history of the Canadian Shield. 

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