Friday, May 27, 2022

Friday, May 27, 2022

 Today we: had a fire drill first thing in the morning! Our class did very well staying quiet and following protocol. We added new jobs to the end-of-day jobs, rotating the schedules for word work, literacy block, and who is leading the daily morning workout we have started to enjoy. 

After some silent reading, the kids headed to the gym for some badminton and football. After snack we did a quick round of silent ball before our Friday Free Time on Chromebooks. Many students finished up their fairytale newspaper article before getting to play Minecraft or math games. 

We finished the morning off with some Math lessons about area. We tied this into our multiplication and algebra units while using grid paper to make rectangles as arrays. With the weather so nice, the kids were antsy to get their work done and get outside to enjoy it. 

I hope everyone has the best weekend! 

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