Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 Today we: celebrated the wonderful Earth we inhabit with Earth Hour from 9:30-10:30am. We did this by keeping our lights and all technology off. This was easy to do during literacy time as we have books and papers to work on. 

In math, we explored decimals further with some fraction conversion and some practice questions from the textbook about creating fractions on a hundreds chart and converting them to decimals. We practiced more math skills by doing a class Kahoot of our multiplication facts. 

After lunch we read the Jumbies and we finished it! The book will be available for students to re-read or look over to polish up their visual journals before finals marks and we will write a response on our predictions from the beginning of the book.  

We visited the learning commons this afternoon and picked some new books. I saw many students challenging themselves with more chapter books! 

We ended the day with some extra time to polish the visual journals and then start brainstorming on a fractured fairytale article. 

We have a community walk tomorrow morning, first thing, as a task for environmental week. We are going out rain or shine so please make sure your child has mud/rain gear and/or a second outfit to wear if they get wet. We are also starting Human Sexuality in health tomorrow so please be prepared for the comments and questions when your child comes home. We will have a question box for anonymous questions, but we understand how uncomfortable some children may be, and the support at home would be very beneficial to this subject. 

Also, remember to encourage your child to walk, bike, or scooter to school and pack lunches with no litter in them! So reusable containers/bags, no packaged items, things that can be composted or recycled, etc. We are trying extra hard this week to protect the environment (though we should do this every day all year), and there could be prizes for the class who gets the most points! 

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