Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

 Happy Monday everyone! 

Today we: revamped a lot of our routines. Our word work program, called Words Their Way, has been reassessed and the students now have new groups and new words to work on based on how they did on their spelling test last week. We now have color coded groups and assigned tables for each group. 

We have also changed up our reading schedule. Instead of having Read to Self as a category in Literacy Block, we are sticking to silent reading only after lunch. During this reading time, students will work on specific goals they will set every Monday based on CAFE reading (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding). They will record their progress on their goals after reading every day. 

Literacy Block now has only four categories that groups cycle through each day of the week (new groups are picked on Fridays). We have Work on Writing, Response to Reading, Partner Reading, and Literacy Games. 

In math, we continued to practice fractions through reducing with fact family division. They used their multiplication tables as a table group to find the lowest common factors and handed in their work for marks. We read some of the Jumbies just before lunch. 

The afternoon was spent going to music and P.E. where Mr. Newton began a new unit of Mission Impossible obstacle courses with them. We ended with an organizational task for CAFE reading and the class got another tutorial on how to clean up at the end of the day properly. 

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