Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We hope you wore green today!  

Today we: rotated our literacy groups and some students got a chance to finish work from the last week and some. They've been warned that I will be marking all of their working journals over Spring Break and that sparked some effort! 

In math, we continued to explore equivalent fractions with the use of group work and imagining cakes and pies. Students were given problems to solve in their table groups and asked to draw a visual representation of two fractions that were equivalent and show how they are the same. After exploring the answers as a class, we utilized a number line as well for some of the higher values. We will be moving onto ordering fractions from smallest to largest when we get back from break. 

After lunch, we shared a few of our Jumbies predictions before continuing to read a couple chapters. New predictions were written and then we did some DPA. Being Numeracy Week, we have a Pi workout! 

We ended the day with a science experiment. Students got to explore electricity using what is called a "bread board" where they can make circuits with multiple wires and they have to connect them on a grid to light the lightbulb. 

Tomorrow is multiples spirit day, so remind your kiddos to pick outfits with their friends. Us teachers will be wearing the NLS T-shirts. Also, please be sure to sign and return the permission form for health. One more day until Spring Break! 

See the memo below:
K-5 parents: Please put extra pants and socks in your child's backpack

Children frequently get wet and/or muddy when playing outside, or they have unexpected bathroom accidents.


To help with this, please put an extra pair of pants and socks in your child’s backpack.  

(These pants and socks will always stay in the backpack.) We do not have spare clothes at the school for children to use.

This will help us to help children make a change out of their dirty clothing without needing to call parents to have someone bring clean clothes. 

Even if your child says they don’t need them, tell them that Mrs. Brinson said they need to be in there anyway. 

If they use the spare clothes in their backpacks, please put in clean clothes to replace them.  We will send dirty clothes home in a 

plastic bag to be washed.

Thanks for your help!

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