Today we: practiced our 4-syllable sounds in phonics. There were some tired kids after daylight savings and a long weekend... Hopefully tomorrow they will annunciate with a bit more gusto!
In math, we started our fractions topic. We explored comparing fractions to see which are closer to 1/2 or 3/4 or one whole. We drew visual representations in our books, like pizzas and cakes cut into sections, and we used colored blocks to see which sections had more or less.
While some students finished their letters for the Great Canadian Mail Race, an assignment on prodigy was made specifically for comparing fractions. The letters are being mailed by the school so the race is on to see who gets their reply first!
After lunch we read chapter 12 and 13 from The Rise of the Jumbies. Things were getting intense as the mermaids escaped a giant squid! We wrote predictions after visiting the learning commons for some new books. It was encouraged that students take out a chapter book, not just two graphic novels. These kids need to be challenging themselves!
The day ended with a video and comprehension assignment for social studies. We will begin looking into the settlers of Canada and what impact they made on the history of the country. Today we learned about Mary-Ann Shadd, a woman who moved to Canada to teach fugitive slaves. She was a major player in the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage. We will be exploring these key terms more as the week goes on.
It is also Numeracy Week so there are spirit days! Tomorrow is "Wear a Number" day, so jerseys or number patterns on your clothing, or taped cutouts on shirts are some ideas. Please remember to check your child's backpack for a very important letter! We require permission via signature to begin teaching Sexual Education on April 19, so please sign and return the form as soon as you can.
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