Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

 Happy TWOsday everyone! It is the 2nd day of the week, the 22nd day of the month, the 2nd month, and the 22 year in the 2nd millennium. That is why it is Twins day too! Some students dressed to match their classmates, and all the grade 5 teachers and Mr. Newton all dressed to match in jeans and plaid shirts. Take a look at these matching besties below:

Tomorrow is another spirit day - Pink Shirt Day! This is a day to remember when two boys stood up for a student who was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. These boys came to school, the day after seeing this boy bullied, wearing pink shirts to show their support. They also had more than 85% of the school join in wearing pink. This also connects to Black History Month and our learning of the term "discrimination." We all wrote on a tiny pink shirt cut-out what we would do to spread kindness in the school, which will be added to the display in the Prairie room. Remember to wear pink shirts tomorrow! 

Today we: read a book about racism and discussed key words like discrimination, equality, stereotypes and prejudice. We added to our visual journals while we had a meaningful and respectful discussion about stereotypes and unfair treatment. Many classmates had anecdotes to share as these issues are still very prevalent in our time. The important thing is to educate ourselves on the facts so we can prevent unfair judgement. 

In math, we began exploring the concept of division using blocks to make arrays of different fact families in our times table charts. For example, students were able to see that the number 20 can be divided in to more groups than just 4 and 5, such as 2 and 10. They were able to connect the numbers they learned in the chart, and visualize by dividing the objects physically to further their learning.  

We watched a read aloud done by Mr. Scout about planting seeds and the metaphor to planting kindness and watching things grow. This connected to pink shirt day and how we can prevent bullying by being kind.  

After lunch, we had the computers to work on our social projects and prepare for presenting them at the start of next week. We also did a quick survey for CBE. We ended the day with P.E. and curling in the gym. 

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