Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday, February 4, 2022

 Today we: practiced our phonetic sounds with a lesson on 3-syllable words. Afterwards, we did our Word Work program, and then spent some time drawing new names for the end-of-day chores. 

On Fridays, we do Literacy Block. Students were organized in groups and given a specific category to work on - Word Work, Work on Writing, Response to Reading, Partner Reading, Read to Self and Literacy Games. These rotate every Friday so they each get a chance to do them all. 

In P.E., students continued their basketball lessons by learning how to shoot hoops! Some racing games to top it off and then back to class for snack. 

We had a special treat today, on top of Pajama Day, we got to go on an outdoor walk with the Gadbois Gang! We walked to Nose Creek Park and checked out the Dry Pond, which was a fantastic connection to the Wetlands unit and our Lorax Letters. 

We ended this fantastic Friday with our very first lesson on Minecraft Education! Students were taken through the steps of creating a student account and setting up their computers. They started creating their own worlds and next week, they will get to enter a world as a class and interact. This is a great way to learn both math and coding skills. They are thrilled about this learning task! 

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! 

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