Today we: Began our day with daily mindfulness. Students are adjusting to the routine of preparing to learn through quiet time to settle into their minds.
New weekly helpers were picked, hooray for Yasmine and Titus! Every week, the helpers do things such as delivering papers to the office, turning off the lights when we use the smart board, hand out papers or journals for activities, and they get first pick when the class is given options.
Literacy block was very fluid today, students were sorted into one of the Daily 5 groups to begin their reading and writing skills. After a few minutes, they were given the choice to rotate to a different group to practice another skill. For example, someone doing Read to Self chose to start Work on Writing by planning a story with a peer. Some did Partner Reading in the open area in the hall and a small group got to play Word Games.
We continued our DrumFit lessons for P.E., and while we miss Mr. Newton terribly, it sure was a treat to have Mr. Scout lead the lessons today.
The rest of the day was spent using technology for Literacy and Math. An assignment was created on Prodigy and some students wrote stories in partners on Google Docs.
Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend of fun and rest. See you Monday!